How do You Earn Money on YouTube? (3 Easy Steps To Success)

How do You Earn Money on YouTube 1

One of the most common questions that people have is How Do You Earn Money On Youtube. There are a lot of different ways to do this, and we will discuss a few of them in this blog post. Here are 3 simple steps to your success on Youtube:


Are you looking for ways to earn money on Youtube?

If you’re looking for ways to make money on Youtube, you’re in luck! There are a number of ways to make money on the platform, and we’ll go over a few of them in this post.

One way to make money on Youtube is through sponsorships. If you have a large enough following, you may be able to secure sponsorships from brands that want to advertise their products or services to your audience.

Another way to make money on Youtube is through paid advertising. You can earn money by displaying ads on your channel.

You can also monetize your videos by including links to affiliate products or by selling digital products or services.

There are a number of other ways to make money on Youtube, like by selling merchandise or tickets to live events. How much money can you make on Youtube? The answer will depend upon your audience size and engagement level, the type of content that you produce, how many videos you upload per month, etc. But generally speaking…

If you have a small following (less than 1000 subscribers), it may be difficult to earn money on Youtube.


How to get more views and subscribers

Youtube is all about views and subscribers. This means that you need to get your content out there for people to see, which can be tough if no one knows who you are exactly! However, the first step of getting more views on Youtube is having good content. You cannot make a video with poor quality or nothing interesting in it at all, because it won’t get any views. The next step is to optimize your video for search engines so that people will be able to find you when they are looking up the topic of your videos!

You can also promote your videos on social media and other websites in order to get more views. Additionally, you can try collaborating with other YouTubers in order to cross-promote each others’ content. Finally, make sure to keep your viewers engaged by uploading new content regularly and responding to their comments.


How to make money from ads

Once you have built up a following, you can start to make money from ads on your videos. Advertisers will pay to place their ads on your channel, and you will earn a percentage of the ad revenue. You can use Google’s AdSense program to sign up for advertising or look for other networks that specialize in video advertising.

As you grow your following and increase the quality of your videos, you can start to negotiate higher ad rates with advertisers. You may also be able to sell sponsorship rights or product placement deals for your videos.

In order to make money from ads on YouTube, you first need to build up a following. Once you have a large audience, advertisers will be more likely to place their ads on your channel.

If you want to make money on YouTube, it’s important to produce high-quality content that people will want to watch. You can also use your videos to drive traffic to your website or other online properties. By generating consistent traffic and revenue from ads, you can create a reliable stream of income from YouTube.


How to use YouTube for marketing

How to use YouTube for marketing

If you want to make money on YouTube, it is worthwhile to invest time and resources into creating a video that will attract more subscribers. When people subscribe, you earn ad revenue from the videos they watch and like. If your goal is to create an income stream with YouTube then we recommend focusing your efforts on building relationships through engaging content as this will encourage viewers to stick around and watch more of your videos. Additionally, using YouTube for marketing can be a powerful way to reach new audiences and grow your business. By creating videos that are relevant to your target market, you can attract potential customers who might not have otherwise known about your product or service.

When it comes to making money on YouTube, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, it is important to produce quality content that viewers will enjoy watching. This means creating videos that are both informative and entertaining. Second, you need to build a subscriber base so that you can earn ad revenue from the views on your videos. Finally, make sure to promote your channel and videos on social media and your other online properties in order to grow your audience.


How does the algorithm work with video rankings

The algorithm works by a combination of many factors that determine what is relevant to the consumer. Some things you can control are your video title, length of time, keywords used in titles or tags, and eventually how much traffic it has gotten. In order for us to show our videos, people have to be watching them so this includes views, likes, and shares as well.

The videos that are suggested on the sidebar or in the recommended tab are all videos that YouTube thinks its users would want to watch next. This could be based on a user’s past viewing history, their subscriptions, and what is currently trending. Videos with ads have a higher chance of being recommended because they are more relevant.

If your video is not getting views, likes, or shares it will have a harder time being ranked higher in the algorithm changes. It does take some content out of the equation but for the most part, these things do matter when trying to gain notoriety on YouTube. The best way to get views and likes is to think about what your audience would want to watch and then creating a video that speaks directly to them.


Simple 3 Step Plan To Make Money On Youtube

create a youtube channel

1. Create a YouTube channel

Go to and sign in with your Gmail account to create a new channel.

Name your channel and select the type of content you plan to create.

Click on the “Create a Channel” button.

You can also add a profile picture and art for your channel by clicking on the “Channel Art” tab.

Upload a video introduction about yourself and your channel. This will help people to learn more about you and your content.

Now that you have created a channel, it’s time to start uploading videos.


upload a video

2. Upload your video

Upload your completed video to your channel. You can make your video with Camtasia video recorder and editing software. This is recommended if you have the budget. There are free alternatives like OBS.

To upload your video, click the “upload” button on your channel. You’ll be asked to fill out some information about your video, including the title, description, and category.

In the description field, you can include a link to your website or another online destination where people can learn more about you or your business.

The category is important because it helps people find your video. You can choose from the following categories:

-Arts and crafts

-Autos and vehicles

-Beauty and fashion


and more

After uploading your video, you can add subtitles and transcriptions. These features will help people who are hearing impaired or don’t speak the language understand your content.

*Add a link to your website in the description of your videos.*

You can use youtube AdSense if you have an audience on Youtube that is interested in earning money from your videos.

If you have an audience, your next step is to offer products and services that align with your niche and something people would want to buy through a link in the description of your videos.


monetize your videos

3. Monetize your videos

When your videos are getting traffic and ranking you will want to monetize them. Here are the most popular methods to start earning money immediately.

You can add a Google Adsense banner to the bottom of your video.

You can join an affiliate network like and apply to have them put ads on your videos when they are relevant for that product. For example, if you’re reviewing a new book then someone might want to advertise it in your video description or even in one of their ads. Here is a list of the most popular monetization options:

  • Joining the YouTube Partner Program – will give you access to more ad formats and tools. It is currently the most popular method of monetizing videos online today. The YouTube Partner Program allows you to earn money based on your traffic and engagement with each video that you upload. It takes 30% of your earnings but this is a great way to get started making some extra cash from home or while traveling!
  • You can put Google AdSense banners, text links, etc. on your video to get paid per click or impression of any ads that are shown during the video.
  • Selling products or merchandise – If you have a large, engaged audience, you can sell products or merchandise related to your videos. Some chose to sell their own products, such as T-shirts with a logo. Others choose to use affiliate links and make money from those purchases instead.
  • You can join an affiliate network like and apply to have them put ads on your videos when they are relevant for that product. For example, if you are reviewing a product, someone might want to advertise it in your video description or even in one of their ads.
  •  Licensing content to the media – If you have a collection of videos that you’ve made, or there is one particular video that takes off and goes viral it can be licensed to news organizations. If they use your content for their broadcasts this will pay handsomely!
  • You could also license an image from within the YouTube community. It’s worth looking into if you think your video content might have some commercial value.
  •  Sponsorship – Your audience might want to support you by sponsoring your videos. This usually takes the form of a product or service that is relevant to you and them which can be offered at an exclusive rate for those who sponsor you!
  •  Working with brands as an influencer – Similar to sponsorship, but this time you are working directly with brands. You might be approached by a brand that wants you to promote one of their products in a video in exchange for money or a free product.
  •  Becoming an affiliate marketer – If you’re not camera-shy and are good at selling, this could be a great option for you. Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting somebody else’s product or service. You might find products to promote through your own research or by signing up to an affiliate network like Clickbank.

Here are some of the popular affiliate programs;


-Commission Junction (CJ)

-Rakuten Linkshare


There are many more, but these are some of the most popular ones. Once you’re approved to be an affiliate for a program, you simply need to add links or banners promoting the product on your website or YouTube channel. When someone clicks on that link or banner and makes a purchase, you earn a commission!

You can also search on Google for affiliate programs by typing in “what program you want to join” and the name of whatever product or service you are looking for. Or you can type your niche + affilate program and see what pops up.

There are many ways to monetize your videos and the ones listed above are some of the most popular options. It’s important that you experiment with a few to see what works best for you and your audience. As always, be sure to read the terms and conditions of any program or opportunity before signing up!


In conclusion, it’s a great idea to start earning money from Youtube. You can use your creativity and talent to make videos that will attract viewers on YouTube. The key is being consistent in producing high-quality content for people who are interested in learning about the topics you choose. In time, this effort should translate into more views and hopefully, more money in your pocket. So go ahead and give it a try! You may be surprised at how successful you can be.

If you’re still not sure how to get started, don’t worry – there are plenty of helpful guides online that can walk you through the process. And remember, as, with anything else, practice makes perfect! So keep making videos and you’ll soon see your earnings increase.

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